Progress tests are a core tool in a Prep School’s strategy for achieving outstanding results – and ensuring students perform to their best in the 11 plus.

They are widely used to benchmark achievement and to measure attainment – student by student, class by class, year by year.

However, just because progress tests are often used, it doesn’t mean that every Prep School is using them as effectively as they could.

Last week, the International Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) held their annual Deputy Heads and Director of Studies Conference in London.

As well as Deputy Head Teachers and Directors of Study, the delegates included Headteachers and Heads of Assessment, all of whom were looking to dig deeper into how Prep Schools can use technology to get more from their progress testing, as well as supporting wider goals.

The following tips for Prep Schools are drawn from our experience of working with schools across the UK, and globally:

Take a closer look

Most prep schools have a wealth of useful information hidden in their existing progress tests – but their analysis is time-consuming and difficult. It’s easy for the specifics to get lost, reducing the value for formative learning. At Elastik, we encourage the prep schools we work with to identify those specific insights in their existing data through our assessment platform.

See the insights – not the data

Often schools turn to free platforms providers, where user-experience is an afterthought and information is presented in a complex number-heavy way. This can be a false economy. The strength of a school assessment platform comes from its ability to inform your teachers easily and in a jargon-free way. Look for a user-friendly platform that digests the data into clear insights and easy to read visuals.

Detail matters

Progress tests are carefully constructed and cover specific concepts. Aim to keep that detail – expect the same high standards from your assessment platform that you do from your students. From a formative learning perspective, the real value comes from knowing the precise problem areas – whether that is adding fractions or using colons and semi-colons. This enables your teachers to make sure every student has a progression pathway and can rapidly move forward.

Get in touch here and let us know how Elastik can help your prep school get more value from your progress tests in English, Maths and Science.