Use your school or trust data more effectively to drive school improvement.
We know that schools already have access to vast amounts of data and that volume of data is increasing. The problem, however, is that although schools and Multi-Academy Trusts are data-rich, they are also insights poor. Teachers and senior leaders do not have the time, or the skill set of a data analyst to undertake a deep dive into understanding data at a granular level and using that to inform teaching and learning.
Understand gaps in learning at individual, class, cohort, school or trust level.
MAT, LA or School Group reporting
Senior leaders in schools can access the live platform to see student, class, cohort or even year group performance.
Insights into school performance
Senior leaders have insight into areas where a school may face specific challenges or is performing well.
Data rich – insights poor
Elastik joins the dots between the school’s data and the interventions teachers can make to improve learning for students of every ability.
Improves teacher wellbeing
Significantly reducing time spent on administering, marking and analysing assessment data improves teacher wellbeing.
Reduces learning loss
Elastik supports teachers of all abilities to help provide targeted interventions using the lesson guides and question bank from class teachers to TAs to supply teachers.
Overall school improvement
Tailored solutions to close learning gaps can contribute to overall school improvement, stretch targets, support senior school exam preparation and inspection outcomes.
Senior Leader testimonials
“Just so easy and so effective for educators to use straightaway.”
“If you have a tool like Elastik, which is instantaneously accessible, can give instant outcomes, by definition, it's time saving.”
“We use Elastik to identify students at educational risk.”
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